Middle back pain exercises are designed to address the most common causes of this condition. Namely stiffness through the thorax and ribcage as well as poor muscular strength and endurance through the middle back and shoulder girdles. Perform stretches/ mobility exercises for 5×30 seconds twice daily. Perform strength exercises with 3-4 sets x15 repetitions once daily or every other day. Find a difficulty level that is challenging without causing excessive pain.
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Advanced Mobilisation Techniques For Middle Back Pain.
Middle back pain exercises are designed to address the most common causes of this condition. Namely stiffness through the thorax and ribcage as well as poor muscular strength and endurance through the middle back and shoulder girdles. Perform stretches/ mobility exercises for 5×30 seconds twice daily. Perform strength exercises with 3-4 sets x15 repetitions once daily or every other day. Find a difficulty level that is challenging without causing excessive pain.
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Middle Back Pain Strengthening Exercises
Middle back pain exercises are designed to address the most common causes of this condition. Namely stiffness through the thorax and ribcage as well as poor muscular strength and endurance through the middle back and shoulder girdles. Perform stretches/ mobility exercises for 5×30 seconds twice daily. Perform strength exercises with 3-4 sets x15 repetitions once daily or every other day. Find a difficulty level that is challenging without causing excessive pain.
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Advanced Mobilisation Techniques For Middle Back Pain
Middle back pain exercises are designed to address the most common causes of this condition. Namely stiffness through the thorax and ribcage as well as poor muscular strength and endurance through the middle back and shoulder girdles. Perform stretches/ mobility exercises for 5×30 seconds twice daily. Perform strength exercises with 3-4 sets x15 repetitions once daily or every other day. Find a difficulty level that is challenging without causing excessive pain.
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Middle Back Pain Strengthening Exercises
Middle back pain exercises are designed to address the most common causes of this condition. Namely stiffness through the thorax and ribcage as well as poor muscular strength and endurance through the middle back and shoulder girdles. Perform stretches/ mobility exercises for 5×30 seconds twice daily. Perform strength exercises with 3-4 sets x15 repetitions once daily or every other day. Find a difficulty level that is challenging without causing excessive pain.
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Middle Back Pain Strengthening Exercises
Middle back pain exercises are designed to address the most common causes of this condition. Namely stiffness through the thorax and ribcage as well as poor muscular strength and endurance through the middle back and shoulder girdles. Perform stretches/ mobility exercises for 5×30 seconds twice daily. Perform strength exercises with 3-4 sets x15 repetitions once daily or every other day. Find a difficulty level that is challenging without causing excessive pain.
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Work through this playlist as your ability allows...
Middle Back Pain
Middle back (thoracic spine) pain may be related to a variety of structures including the intervertebral discs, facet joints and spinal muscles/ligaments. However, there may be no obvious structural cause with factors such as activity levels, posture and stress causing or contributing to the pain.