Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For stretches and mobility exercises perform them once or twice per day for 3-4 minutes with short rests as needed…
[5 Videos] Helpful tips for neck pain...
[5 Videos] Best for general neck stiffness...
[3 Videos] Best for improving neck rotation movements...
[9 Videos] Great for improving thorax & shoulder flexibility...
[2 Videos] Option two for thorax & shoulder flexibility...
[4 Videos] Option three for thorax & shoulder flexibility...
Strengthening For Neck Pain.
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[3 Videos] Deep neck flexor strengthening...
[2 Videos] Upper spinal & neck strengthening...
[6 Videos] Improves shoulder strength for neck pain...
[4 Videos] Option two for Improving shoulder strength...
Advanced Strength/ Conditioning For Neck Pain
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[3 Videos] Deep neck flexor strengthening...
[2 Videos] Upper spinal & neck strengthening...
[8 Videos] Advanced shoulder strengthening for neck pain...
[3 Videos] Option two for advanced shoulder strength...
Strengthening For Neck Pain
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[3 Videos] Deep neck flexor strengthening...
[2 Videos] Upper spinal & neck strengthening...
[6 Videos] Improves shoulder strength for neck pain...
[4 Videos] Option two for Improving shoulder strength...
Advanced Strength/ Conditioning For Neck Pain
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[3 Videos] Deep neck flexor strengthening...
[2 Videos] Upper spinal & neck strengthening...
[8 Videos] Advanced shoulder strengthening for neck pain...
[3 Videos] Option two for advanced shoulder strength...
Advanced Strength/ Conditioning For Neck Pain
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[3 Videos] Deep neck flexor strengthening...
[2 Videos] Upper spinal & neck strengthening...
[8 Videos] Advanced shoulder strengthening for neck pain...
[3 Videos] Option two for advanced shoulder strength...
About Cervical Spine (Neck) Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis describes age related changes that affect joints. Although everyone will experience age related joint changes the degree of these changes will vary for each individual and not everyone will experience symptoms. The specific changes that occur can be summarised as follows: The cartilage (smooth joint surfaces) wears and becomes thinner. The joint capsule (fibrous tissue that surrounds the facet joints) becomes thickened and stiff. The muscles that support the neck joints may weaken.