Exercises for sciatica are designed to move the affected lumbar spinal joints and sciatic nerve roots to prevent stiffness as well as gradually strengthen the abdominal and oblique muscles. Perform stretches/ mobility exercises for 5×30 seconds twice daily. Perform strength exercises with 3-4 sets x15 repetitions once daily. Perform these exercises with caution and if you get a flare in pain reduce the difficulty level.
[5 videos] Helpful ergonomic advice for Sciatica...
[1 video] Traction pain relieving exercise...
[2 videos] Flexion pain relieving exercises...
[7 videos] Best for improving lower back stiffness...
Mid Stage Sciatica Rehabilitation.
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For stretches and mobility exercises perform them once or twice per day for 3-4 minutes. For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[2 Videos] Flexion stretches to relieve pain...
[7 videos] Rotation stretches to relieve pain...
[4 videos] Extension stretches to relieve pain...
[6 videos] Great for building strength without pain...
[6 videos] Option two for building strength...
Late Stage Sciatica Rehabilitation
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For stretches and mobility exercises perform them once or twice per day for 3-4 minutes. For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[4 videos] Best for lower back & overall spine stiffness...
[8 videos] A controlled way of improving spinal mobility...
[4 videos] Great for low grade residual leg symptoms...
[7 videos] Best for advancing abdominal strength...
[6 videos] Best for spinal rotational strengthening...
[8 videos] Functional strengthening for sciatica...
Mid Stage Sciatica Rehabilitation
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For stretches and mobility exercises perform them once or twice per day for 3-4 minutes. For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[2 Videos] Flexion stretches to relieve pain...
[7 videos] Rotation stretches to relieve pain...
[4 videos] Extension stretches to relieve pain...
[6 videos] Great for building strength without pain...
[6 videos] Option two for building strength...
Late Stage Sciatica Rehabilitation
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For stretches and mobility exercises perform them once or twice per day for 3-4 minutes. For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[4 videos] Best for lower back & overall spine stiffness...
[8 videos] A controlled way of improving spinal mobility...
[4 videos] Great for low grade residual leg symptoms...
[7 videos] Best for advancing abdominal strength...
[6 videos] Best for spinal rotational strengthening...
[8 videos] Functional strengthening for sciatica...
Late Stage Sciatica Rehabilitation
Choose one or two playlists that you find help you the most >> Work through the playlists as your ability allows >> For stretches and mobility exercises perform them once or twice per day for 3-4 minutes. For strengthening exercises, aim to perform them every other day with a load that you can manage for 30-45 seconds or 6-12 repetitions. Repeat these repetitions 3-4 x each session you perform…
[4 videos] Best for lower back & overall spine stiffness...
[8 videos] A controlled way of improving spinal mobility...
[4 videos] Great for low grade residual leg symptoms...
[7 videos] Best for advancing abdominal strength...
[6 videos] Best for spinal rotational strengthening...
[8 videos] Functional strengthening for sciatica...
The lower back nerve roots lie in a small space to each side of the lumbar joints. With injury or as a normal age related process the intervertebral discs and/or facet joint scan extend into and narrow this space. This can irritate the nerve root(s).